
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Last baby update of 2013!

Blue Rock took this picture. He chopped my head off
but the belly is really the main feature anyway. :)
This will be my last post of the year. I want to start off with that at the beginning of this year I never would have dreamed I would be pregnant and about to have a baby by the end of 2013. God has really blessed us and I am so thankful that He's given me a chance to carry a healthy baby again. Life is not without its challenges and I'm looking forward to the new year and seeing our newest addition in our family. I'm somewhat terrified actually but also overwhelmingly excited! I really am looking forward to meeting my daughter. I know God will give me the strength I need to be the best mom I can be. I have no idea what life will be like. I'm anticipating lots of sleepless but wonderful nights. Lots of love in our house. Making more family memories and enjoying two children. I'm trying not to fear the unknown but pray to God about it and lean on him and others. During these past few weeks as my family has dealt with illnesses I've seen God's family step in and help mine. I'm learning to ask for help when I need it, which is very hard and I still don't do a great job at it. But I know God will provide. 

I saw my OB yesterday and the baby is still doing great. If I hadn't had 4 miscarriages before I was pregnant with her and found out I had two blood clotting disorders this would be a very normal pregnancy. Last weekend I switched to Heparin injections from Lovenox. I.HATE.THEM! I really do. I never enjoyed getting shots growing up and didn't enjoy the Lovenox either but now I have to give myself two shots a day instead of one. I also have to draw it from the little container. But all the pain will be worth it once she's here.

My appointment yesterday went well. The baby is measuring 6 lbs 9 oz. I'm dilated to 2cm and she's dropped low. My doctor said she could come anytime and if we had to induce she could probably strip my membranes and she'd come pretty easily. That sounds kind of scary! I really would prefer not to be induced but stripping the membranes is the more natural way to induce if need be. I've been having a lot more contractions and last weekend thought about trying to change to a home birth. However, since I'm on blood thinners it most likely wouldn't be safe. But a home birth sure would be easy. Getting to the hospital in time is my biggest concern. I tend to have a high pain tolerance and wasn't even fully sure I was in labor when we were about to leave for the hospital with Blue Rock. I had had Braxton Hicks contractions for so long that I just thought I was having those. We showed up and he was born in less than 2 hours later.

I've lost 2 lbs and now have only gained 38 lbs. Which is great. I think the last month I was pregnant with Blue Rock I didn't gain anymore weight. I gained a total of 44 lbs with him. Thankfully I lost 20 lbs the first week he was born. I'm just getting uncomfortable. The other interesting thing is I'm starting to crave various foods again. For a while I just ate when I was hungry. Now I feel like I'm starving if I don't eat within a few hours from when I last ate. Last night for example, we had a Mexican casserole I made for dinner with a salad. Later I had some ice cream. Then before bed I wanted some roasted garlic humus. I've also been craving bagels and cream cheese. I had one for breakfast and want another one now. Also I've been craving lots of fruits and it's kind of cool, watermelon, strawberries, mangos, and melons are available at the store right now. Also they have been having really good blueberries. Being the tired pregnant woman I am, I buy cartons of pre-cut fruit which is lovely.

We have finished the baby's room. It's so cute! Pink was my favorite color growing up and I love her room. I hope she does too. We Incorporated light and dark pink, white, and black. I made her a rainbow sign with the verse James 1:17 on it. She's considered a rainbow baby because she came after a miscarriage. I'm hoping to make a mobile to go over her changing table using Blue Rock's hand prints or foot prints but have been too exhausted to do it. Hubby put together her swing glider last night. We tested the video monitor on Blue Rock last night and decided to order a second camera for his room. I love the video camera. You can zoom, pan, take pictures, check the temperature of the room, and talk to your baby. It works with just the little monitor it comes with and you can configure it to work with your phones, which we'll wait to do when we get a babysitter. Last night we were able to talk to him and see him when he wouldn't sleep. Poor guy woke up scared in the middle of the night and talked to us through the camera and we didn't answer - we had turned it off. That's why we're going to get one for his room too. Might as well be able to see both children. The video camera we got is called Lorex Baby. I did a lot of research on these and this seemed to have the most options, great ratings, and best price. Also Lorex is a well-known security company. You can add up to four cameras. Nanny cams, anyone?

We are ready to have this baby. A sweet friend of mine is coming over later this week to help me get the rest of my house in order. The baby's room is done. I just need to finish the playroom, reorganize the guest room, and office. I could do this myself but it's so nice to have a friend come help.

Here are some pictures of the baby's room. An artist friend of mine is painting another picture to hang on her wall. Once I get it I'll post pictures of it too. I'm also going to hang the picture frames once she's born and we have pictures of her to put in them. I can't wait to meet her!

I painted the letters for her name

Rainbow sign

Love the pink curtains!

The dreaded Heparin!

Friday, December 27, 2013

Merry Christmas!

We had a great Christmas this year. Last year I was very depressed around this time. I had just had my fourth miscarriage and was just sad. What a year makes! Now I'm 36 weeks pregnant with a very active girl. The week before Christmas was hard. The three of us all got sick. I got bronchitis, my husband got strep throat and the flu, and Blue Rock got the flu. How I didn't get the flu, I have no clue but I am glad I didn't. I felt like I had it, though. It was a tough week.

We spent Christmas at my parents' house, since I'm unable to travel this close to delivery. I really wish my husband's parents lived closer. It's hard having them live so far away and it would have been nice to have them join us. I honestly love spending Christmas morning at home. As a child some of my favorite memories were waking up Christmas morning and running to see what was under the Christmas tree. Since this was Blue Rock's last year as an only child, he got some really great gifts! He was so sweet when we asked him what he wanted for Christmas. He wanted a bubble gumball machine and toys for his baby sister. He ended up getting more than that and was surprised and excited! His big gifts were a Leappad Ultra Tablet with some games and a Jeep he could drive. He has always liked my Kindle but broke the screen so I decided to get him his own kid-proof tablet that doesn't have direct access to the internet. He loves driving his friend's jeep, and so that was another big surprise for him. He also got the gumball machine, and some smaller gifts and games.

During Christmas we remember Jesus' birth, like we do throughout the year and we think about our loved ones who are no longer with us.  This was my first Christmas that my maternal grandmother has not been on earth.  I made her famous praline cake and finally nailed it. She would have been so proud. She made this cake every year and it was one of our favorites. I also wish my mom was here to celebrate with us and meet her grandson and see her granddaughter who is about to be born. All that being said, we are truly blessed and loved seeing everyone we got to see and spending time with my family. We also enjoyed getting all the beautiful Christmas cards from friends and family. I hope everyone had a really nice Christmas!

Christmas Eve he got to open a gift!

It was his Leappad Tablet

He was excited about the Magic School Bus game

My Christmas Eve gift

Hubby's Christmas Eve gift

Christmas Eve dinner, we had steak, peas, carrots, and white asparagus

Cookies for Santa

Christmas morning. Stocking time!

Blue Rock's first car!

He loves his blue jeep!

This is a fun game, it's a Scooby Doo game.

Our mantle

Opening presents at my parents. His aunts giving him their gifts.

He got a magnifying glass from my parents and loved it!

Sweet boy in front the Christmas tree

After he opened his gifts he wanted to go home and play with them all

Merry Christmas!

Picture with my dad

Big family picture with my siblings, their halves, parents, cousin, uncle, and grandmother

My maternal grandmother's Praline cake, one of the best cakes ever!
Blue Rock got another big surprise on Christmas, he got to see Santa and Mrs. Claus!

We hope your family had a wonderful Christmas!

Monday, December 23, 2013

35.5 Weeks! Feeling better after being really sick!

I went to see my OB today. I've been going to my specialist weekly, which I don't think is really necessary, I'd rather just see my OB. But rather than see both every week, my OB said to wait until I'm 36 weeks to see her. Well, I got bronchitis and was very sick last week and had an appointment scheduled for today that they told me to keep since I was sick. I felt like I was on death's bed last week. I hadn't been that sick in a long time! All I wanted to do was sleep, I was barely hungry, and would go from sweating to freezing. When I got medicine from my general practitioner, I had an allergic reaction to it. I broke out in a horrible rash over my belly, sides, and arms that itched. I thought it was PUPPPS, which I had after Blue Rock was born. I almost went to the hospital that night but was honestly too tired and weak to go. I thought I was dying and prayed that God would give me strength. I knew I was too weak to have a baby at that time. The next day I had bad chest pains and difficulty breathing. It seems like it was a bad reaction the z-pak they gave me. I stopped taking it after only having taken it for 2 days.  I had to get chest x-rays to rule out pneumonia. Thankfully everything looked good and I'm finally on the mend. Poor hubby and Blue Rock both got the flu and hubby also got strep throat. I lucked out not catching either of those. We're still sleeping in separate rooms just until we know everyone is better. They told me I could take Tamiflu but I'm not going to take anything else unless I'm sick and truly need it.
Since I was at my doctor's office today, she said we'd go ahead and monitor the baby and that way I can cancel my appointment for Friday with the specialist. I had a sonogram and they monitored the baby's heartbeat, movement, and contractions. My OB told me I need to see her next week at 36 weeks so I'll have to tell his office I'll see him sometime but we'll have to wait because she really needs to be the one monitoring everything from this point forward. Thankfully baby is still doing great. I haven't gained weight in a few weeks but the baby has! It seems like with Blue Rock I really didn't gain any weight the last few weeks with him either. She literally could be here at anytime. I just want to make it past Christmas and new years. I think we will. Although I cannot wait to see her!
By the way, I have to brag on some of my friends. Last week was super hard, I felt absolutely horrible most of the week. 3 different friends brought me meals, one friend sold me some oils and a diffuser which I've been wanting which helped me breath better, another friend delivered some Christmas cookies I bought but was too sick to pick up, and another one came and cleaned my house! I could not believe she cleaned for me. That is probably one of the nicest things anyone has ever done for me. I really missed my grandmother last week. I used to like going to her house when I was sick because she knew how to help me get better faster. I miss having my mom around too. I know she would have come over and helped me. I hope I'm as good of mom as she was. Then God put these sweet friends in my life to help me out.
How far along? 35.5 weeks

Baby’s size? She weighs about 6 lbs, 11 oz. - another big baby!

Total weight gain: 40 lbs gained! 

Maternity clothes? Yes and I'm getting tired of them and am outgrowing them...sigh.

Stretch marks? Maybe a few new ones.

Sleep: Okay. I have to get up to go to the bathroom quite frequently. I'm very tired so it's been pretty easy to fall asleep.

Best moment this week: Friends coming over to help me by bringing food, oils, and cleaning my house when I was sick.

Miss Anything? My pre-pregnancy weight. Love this baby but am getting uncomfortable and want my body back.

Movement: Yes, all the time! She is very active!
Food cravings: Nothing particular at the moment.  When I was sick I stopped drinking coffee so I cured that bad habit before the baby arrives.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Spicy foods at night cause heartburn which hurts!

Gender: Girl!!

Labor Signs: Braxton Hicks Contractions. They monitor me weekly for the contractions and it was neat seeing them on the chart.

Symptoms: Growing belly and lots of movement and kicking. Having to go to the restroom frequently.

Belly Button in or out? Flat unless I cough, then it sticks out. Kind of funny.

Wedding rings on or off? Off!

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy and blessed!

Looking forward to: Meeting my baby.

Please pray for: A healthy baby and pregnancy.

Here's the sign I made to cover over the baby's changing table.  She's considered a rainbow baby because she's born after a loss, actually 4 losses. A good friend of mine who is a talented artist is painting another verse for me on something. I can't wait to see what she comes up with! I'm going to make a rainbow mobile with Blue Rock to hang over her changing table. We've just been too sick and tired to do anything else at the moment.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Church Baby Shower

Some ladies from church gave me a beautiful baby shower last Sunday. I have to say that I have some wonderful and generous friends! I honestly thought nobody would come. I was mistaken! After looking over my gift list I have 49 thank you cards to address! Again, I am seriously blown away by all the love these ladies have shown me. I have a number of friends who would have liked to give me something but can't and I want to say that I don't expect gifts from anyone. Well wishes mean a lot to me too! Also many of my friends showered me with love when I was pregnant with Blue Rock and some you have again with my baby girl! Thank you all for just lifting me and my baby up in your prayers and all the kind things you've said. For those of you who have showered us with gifts, thank you. You have helped us out immensely!

My lovely hostesses!


Monday, December 16, 2013

Week 16: My Father's World K - Unit 12: Goat

We are half-way done with our school year!  I originally was planning on doing school this week but I think we might go on Christmas break early.  I know we'll take some time off once the baby arrives.  We just have a lot planned between now and Christmas.  I love that Blue Rock loves school so much and learning.  The biggest accomplishment last week was he read his first stage 1 book all by himself.  I was super impressed! He memorizes books so easily that I never know if he's fully reading or just reciting. So I brought out a new book and he read about 90% of the words. He's really caught onto a number of site words and can sound out CVC words easily. I didn't read until I was probably 5 or 6. But every kid is different and Blue Rock has always had an interest in language and words. I think he gets this from his dad. :)

Last week we did Unit 12: Goat from My Father's World Kindergarten.  The major point was Jesus died for our sins. We talked about how people used to sacrifice animals in the old testament for their sins and then Jesus came and he was sacrificed for our sins and we no longer have to sacrifice animals.

Verse: For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. -John 3:16 NIV

I'll post some pictures from last week but not go into great deal about each day. Like I mentioned earlier, his reading is improving greatly and he's enjoying learning how to read and spell new words. We also talked about reading a clock and different animals found on a farm. Our magnet this week was a goat. We played a matching game where he matched baby animals with their mothers. We did some rhyming, sang songs, and had fun. The Hand-in-Hand Christmas party at church was last week so we went to that. Friday we ended with a field trip to see Frosty the Snowman with one of our homeschool groups. This was Blue Rock's first professional play to see. He liked it. My husband was able to come with us and we ate lunch downtown after the play was over.

Writing words

Drew some pictures and wrote what he drew below

He wanted to draw a really big picture!

Handwriting practice

Cutting out some animals for our song


Playing his instrument he made

Learning to read a clock

Animal matching game

He made an animal book

Riding on Daddy

Writing words

He tore up 116 squares of toilet paper, we counted them all!

Drawing pictures

He drew and wrote glass marble, glasses, grass, and balloon

My cute boys!

Frosty the Snowman play

Before the show began!

Reading sentences and matching them to the picture


He lined up different contains and made a xylophone