We finished another fun and busy week of My Father's World Kindergarten. This week we were on Unit 10: Water. I'm looking forward to Thanksgiving and Christmas. We finished up today, even though most of our work took place last week. We decided to take the week of Thanksgiving off but got a little behind. Last Monday was very busy and we ended up not getting any "official" school work done. That's the beauty of homeschooling, if something comes up, you can go with the flow and make it up another day.
A few extra things we did this week included making homemade pasta with a friend. I had two doctor's appointments, one baby and one dentist. Everything is still looking great! Blue Rock and some of his homeschool friends painted with q-tips at our co-op. We also met a friend of mine whom I used to work with downtown for lunch.
Verse: [Jesus said]..."If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me...streams of living water will flow from within him." By this he meant the Spirit, whom those who believed in him were later to receive...John 7:37-39 (NIV)
Poem: "Rain" by Robert Louis Stevenson, 1913
Theme: Water - Jesus gives my spirit living water to drink. This was a little complicated to explain but I think Blue Rock's catching on.
Monday: No school. We had a busy day and Blue Rock spent most of it with my dad.
Tuesday: Today we had to double up on school. The previous week was Veteran's Day and so we finished our octopus unit first. Then we started this week's unit of water. First Blue Rock drew four pictures, some that started with "o." He drew some olives, an octopus, an orange, and a gopher. I told him how to spell the word of what he drew and he wrote it, rather than just the letter it starts with. His handwriting is getting better and practice makes perfect! Then he matched some words to pictures and glued them on. He is getting great at sounding words out. Then he painted an ocean to put an octopus in. This tied into our water unit, which we were able to start while waiting for his painting to dry. He drew land around the ocean because he wanted to.
We started Unit 10: Water, of My Father's World. I gave him Candy Corn and had him make a "w" with it. Then he ate it. The number this week is 10. He colored some pictures that started with "w" and cut them out. We talked some about water and about Jesus being living water from the Bible. It's kind of a hard concept to describe. Then he glued the octopus that he made last week in the water painting he painted earlier.
Picture page |
matching words with pictures |
Painting water (and land) |
Making a "w" with Candy Corn |
Coloring the W page |
Cutting the pictures out |
Gluing the octopus in the water on his painting |
Wednesday: One of my friends invited Blue Rock and I over to her house to help her and her and her daughter make homemade pasta and let the kids play. I had never done this before and it was really neat. She has a pasta machine. The recipe was just 3 cups of flour, 4 eggs, and about half an egg shell of water. Then you put the dough through the pasta machine many times until he's very thin and long. Cut it up and then make it into the kind of pasta you want. We made spaghetti. The kids were interested for a little while. But you'll see from the last picture that we made a lot of pasta!
Afterward, we met hubby for lunch, then I had a dentist appointment. After my appointment we came home and did our school work. First I think the first time ever, Blue Rock didn't complain about his handwriting page this week. He just did it and did a great job! He wrote Ws and the number 10. Then he did a sound discrimination page and circled pictures that started with "w" and put an x on pictures that didn't. He did this pretty much by himself. I had started making chocolate chip cookies for a church potluck. Then we talked about water and how water is a liquid and doesn't have its own shape. I had him pour water in several containers and we saw that the water took the shape of the container it was in. After that we put some water in a container and I had him put his finger in the water to the bottom. Then we put it in the freezer for tomorrow's science experiment.
Starting to thin the dough |
Crank it! |
Long pasta |
Cute pasta makers! |
My sweet handwriting boy! |
He's getting good at writing his name too |
Sound identification page |
Learning how water takes shape of it's container |
He thought of things that were liquid and I drew them on a chart |
We'll see what happens when we put this in the freezer overnight |
Thursday: Today we had our co-op group. It was my week to teach, which is always fun. We talked about Thanksgiving and then painted with q-tips and made turkey hand prints. The kids seemed to really like it. We did half of our school work before our co-op and half afterward. In between we met a good friend I used to work with for lunch. She invited Blue Rock and I for lunch and gave me a sweet baby gift. She gave me her bathtub, which is really nice! I don't get to see her as much as I'd like to. We used to work together and she has always been such a good friend.
We started off with our math page. Blue Rock drew 10 penny's to equal $0.10. Then he drew 2 nickles to equal $0.10, then 1 dime. We talked about how money and then I let him keep the change we used. My husband has been giving him jobs to do and letting him earn some money so he can save to buy things he wants. Then he matched 6 pictures with 6 words that he sounded out. He did great with this too. Then off to our co-op we went, then met my friend for lunch. Then we went home where he saw that the water had turned to ice, we put an ice cube in two bowls and put one by the window and one in the fridge. We saw that after about an hour, the one in the sun melted, the one in the fridge did not. He made a water magnet and we talked about solids. He named some solids and I drew pictures and added them to our chart from yesterday.
Math page, money |
Word/picture matching |
Writing letters with q-tips |
Co-op group, love these kids! |
Turkey hand(s) |
The water froze into ice! |
Two bowls, two ice cubes |
Cutting out the magnet |
This week's water magnet |
Most of the magnets we've done |
Matter Chart |
Ice in the fridge is still a solid, ice by the window turned into a liquid |
Friday: Fridays are always busy. We usually have a lunch play date and do other fun things. After lunch we went to the mall and he got to play some at the playground. I wanted to look at a few stores for some Christmas ideas. For school, he sounded out words, glued them to his page and colored four pictures and wrote the words to what he drew.
Sunday: This evening our small groups were cancelled due to weather. So we did some school work so we could take most of next week off for Thanksgiving and catch up. He did his blend ladder and showed his dad how he could spell words and read them. I dictated a few words and he spelled them and wrote them. Then we played a fun game called Web of Words. You have to be able to spell 3-letter words to play. He did awesome and beat us every hand!
Building words |
Writing words |
Reading words and following directions I give him |
Family game night! |
Monday: We finished last week's school work this morning with our science experiments. We talked about different things that dissolve in liquids. We put salt in water and stirred it. The salt dissolved in the water. Then we added oil to water. Blue Rock mixed it and the oil and water combined for a bit but soon separated and the oil ended up back on top. We did this a few times to test it. Then I showed him how gas is made when water gets really hot. I started with a cup of water and we heated it in a pan on the stove. We watched how the steam formed from the pan. After about 5 minutes of it boiling we measured to see how much water was left. Then we added a few pictures of gas related things to our chart from last week. Now we are going to take a break from our official school work and enjoy the Thanksgiving holiday.
Salt, oil, water, and two cups |
We added salt to one glass and oil to the other.
Then he poured water into each of the cups. |
Then he stirred them |
He noticed it was easy to dissolve the salt but the oil was having problems. |
The salt dissolved but he oil stayed on top |
Next we made steam (gas) |
he was reminded that the stove is very hot when it's on |
I showed him how the steam steamed my glasses |
We started with a cup of water and after about 5 minutes we had this much water left. |
We added a helium balloon, tennis ball, and steam under gas for our matter chart |