
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Happy 4th Birthday Blue Rock!

Last week Blue Rock turned 4.  It's amazing how fast these first years of life truly fly by.  God has blessed me with such a wonderful and amazing son.  I truly love being his mom.

One birthday tradition we started doing last year was my husband and I decorated his bedroom the night before his birthday.  We decorated his door and blew up lots and lots of balloons.  I also hung four number 4s from the ceiling. Last year we hung a bunch of 3s.  It was neat how he remembered the numbers from last year.  The night before his birthday he asked me if he was going to get lots of 3s hanging from the ceiling.  I told him not 3s this year but 4s since he was turning 4.  He loved it!

The morning of his birthday he ran into my room and said, "Mom! Mom! Come see my room, I have so many balloons in my room!" He was so excited!

Since we already had his big birthday party, I kept things pretty low key on his actual birthday. We met one of his good friends, Jacob, in the morning at a playground and they played for about two hours.  Then we met my husband, parents, sister, and grandmother for lunch at Chick-Fil-A. He loved it. Then my sister and I took him swimming. He's putting his head under the water now and I think before summer is over he'll be swimming on his own. He will swim if your hand is under him, doesn't have to touch him, but he wants you right there. He's such a dare devil in so many ways but with water he's not, thank goodness! I love water, love scuba diving, but know it doesn't take much for a child to drown in a pool. Once he gets the hang of things he'll be swimming like a fish.

Blue Rock's 4-year check-up with the doctor went great. The nurse and doctor were very impressed with everything he knew and said he's very advanced.  The nurse said a lot of 4-year olds still don't know their shapes, colors, and letters and many have a difficult time following directions for the hearing and vision tests. He's known his letters, numbers, and shapes since before he turned 2 so not sure why it's a big deal. His eye sight is great, his hearing is perfect, which I'm relieved since when he was born we had to go to an audiologist for his left ear which ended up being fine at the time but he hasn't been tested since. The doctor was impressed that he knew his phone number, parent's name, and answered all her questions correctly. She was impressed he could spell his first and last name. He could spell his first and last name when he was 2 as well, we lived in a foreign country and we wanted him to be as prepared as could be if he got away from us. The main thing I wanted to address was how little he sleeps. He sleeps maybe 9.5 hours - 10 hours per day. He stopped napping at 18 months but used to sleep quite a bit more at night. She said some kids just don't need as much sleep. We'll put him to bed at 8pm and he'll lay there until past 10pm still awake. She said as long as he's not playing that's fine. So I guess I don't need to worry about it. It just makes for one exhausted Mama!!  

I hired my friend to make his birthday cake.  She was going to make it for his party but got strep the week before.  It was beautiful and perfect.  Chocolate on chocolate, my son's favorite!  

So many things have changed from 4 years ago. I still think back to that early morning in Germany when he was born. The sun was rising up over the mountain outside my room at the hospital and my sweet baby was placed in my arms. Blue Rock , we love you so much and enjoy all the fun and excitement you bring to our lives.


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