
Monday, August 19, 2013

First Day of Pre-K

Today was Blue Rock's first day of Pre-K.  Despite him starting the day by cracking an egg on our kitchen table thinking it was a hard boiled egg, we had a great day!  I'm coordinating Ladies' Bible Class on Tuesday mornings at our church this coming year and had a 10am meeting this morning. To get started, we did half our homeschool this morning before 9:30am and the other half this afternoon when we got home, around 3:30pm. I won't post everyday but I wanted to share how our first day went.

I decided to start with Sonlight this morning. We started with our weekly memory verse, then we read a few books, and ended with doing pages in Developing an Early Learner. He loved all stories and did not want to stop at two pages in his workbook. I offered to let him do another book but he wanted to keep working in his new one. So we did one extra page. I have to be careful about working too far ahead because I'm one of those that would get the whole year done in a month if given the opportunity. In fact, when I substituted in college, I'd bribe the kids to hurry and get their work done so they could have more time at recess. They loved it and got their work done!

This afternoon we started Day 1 of Creation in My Father's World. We started by reading Genesis 1:1-5 from the Bible about Day 1. Then we started making a number timeline for the 7 Days of Creation. We then made a picture with black and white paper illustrating Day 1. We ended by singing "This Is My Father's World." He wanted to continue cutting paper so he sat at the table 10 more minutes cutting the other half of the black paper that we did use for our creation illustration.

Cutting out the 1

God separated day from night

Picture of our number timeline and creation illustration day 1

Today was Day 1 of 100 Days of school
We are using colored sticks to count down

Cutting up the black paper

Blue Guide is Sonlight's, God's Creation from A to Z is
My Father's World. These are the books we read and went through.

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