
Friday, March 28, 2014

How to make cloth diaper wipes and solution

We didn't start using cloth diapers on Blue Rock until he was around 10 months old. Here are some of my posts from my first experience in cloth diapering and how I potty trained my almost 2.5 year old son. We started cloth diapering Princess when she was about a week old. In fact, we even bought newborn cloth diapers. I bought GroVia Newborn All In Ones and they worked great for her. I wish we had had more except that she quickly grew out of the newborn diapers. We were able to use them about 6 weeks. I pulled out my stash from when we started cloth diapering Blue Rock and have since ordered more.

One thing that I'm doing differently is I'm using cloth wipes. I started with several packages of baby wash cloths. Then the other day I had an idea to cut up one of my husband's old t-shirts. The t-shirt works just as good or better than the wash cloths. I also made a diaper wipe solution. 

Cloth Diaper Solution

- 1/2 cup of water
- 1 drop of lavender or tea tree essential oil
- 2 Tbs of witch hazel
- store in a squirt bottle

Cloth wipes go hand-in-hand with cloth diapers. I love it! You simply spray the wipe and use as you would a disposable wipe.

We don't cloth diaper full time, yet. I don't have enough smaller diapers. Although I just ordered some more. Right now we use cloth diapers at home and disposables at night and when we are away from the house. Once my new diapers arrive, I hope to use cloth diapers almost exclusively. Both of my kids have sensitive skin and I just love the feel of cloth and I think it's better for their little bottoms. Also it's very easy to do, better for the environment, and saves money. In a few weeks I hope to post about some of my favorite cloth diapers for newborns.

Cloth wipes made from a t-shirt

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