
Thursday, March 13, 2014

Princess is 2 months!

Dear Princess,

Today you are two months old! For this blog we're referring you to you as Princess. As you are a daughter of the one true King, God!

We are loving having you in our lives. You and Blue Rock are truly gifts from God. You are growing very well and thriving, as your doctor said at your appointment today. Of course we already knew that. This past month you have started smiling even more. You are such a cute and wonderful baby!  You have slept wonderfully at night since you were born. You sleep 5 to 7 hours at a time and I usually just get up once sometimes twice to feed you. You continue to have a happy and easy going personality. You are also holding your head up very well.

You love watching your brother and he loves talking to you! You also love to be held and cuddled. You like getting a bath, which is a pleasant surprise. Blue Rock still really doesn't like getting baths! When I put a bow on your head you usually smile really big!
Here are your stats:

12 lbs, 1 oz, 75% - weight
23 in, 75% - length
37.5 cm, 30% - head

You feed on demand, about every 2-3 hours during the day. You sleep when you're tired, I look for signs and rock you to sleep. It seems like you still sleep quite a bit but are awake more and more every day. I try and wear you and hold you as much as I can during the day as you are still a newborn and keeping you close keeps us both the happiest. I love hearing you coo and make sweet sounds. I'm having trouble getting you to take naps in your crib. Sometimes it's because your brother comes in and wakes you up. We're working on that. You take good naps in your swing, my arms, in a carrier, or while driving. You still sleep in our room at night and will continue for at least another month, maybe longer. I love having you nearby!

We have decided to delay and skip certain vaccinations. We have been doing extensive research. There is too much controversy and risks over vaccinations and your brother experienced several side effects. Since I have a certain mutation that makes vaccinating very risky, there is a chance you and your brother both have it. Therefore, it's better to wait until you are a little older before you get any shots. Most likely we'll wait until you are six months or older. We want to keep you as healthy as we can. Thankfully your doctor is supportive of this. I was afraid she might not be. You are exclusively breastfed and God made breastmilk the best immunity for babies.
Several weeks ago I thought you might have an allergy to something I was eating. You would cry off and on during the day and sometimes an hour or more at night. We went back to the basics and started swaddling you. That helped a lot! Then we'll sit or stand and rock you. This usually calms you right down. I also try and not let you get too tired. If you get overly tired you end up crying. Thankfully it doesn't look like you have an allergy afterall and are back to being your easy going and happy self.

Here are some sweet pictures of you today. We love you, Princess!


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