
Sunday, April 20, 2014

He has RISEN! Happy Easter!

I love Easter. I love the spring weather, I love how so much of the world takes extra time to remember Jesus raising from the dead. I love the hope we have through Christ. I love playing Easter Bunny and leaving some fun things for the kids. Kids, did I just say kids?! Oh, I love having 2 kids!
This was Princess's first Easter. She is such a sweet and cute baby. My husband and I both participated in our church service. Our service included cardboard testimonies and we were asked to help out. Since our family does not attend church with us, anything we volunteer for becomes a family event. My cardboard testimony included my kids so both were able to come up on stage with me. They both did great, overall. Princess started fussing a little right after she came on stage. We didn't take any pictures at church but we did at home to share with you.

If you've never seen cardboard testimonies done, look up a YouTube video. They are neat. I went first and when I turned my testimony over, My husband walked up with our kids. Then he went. It was really special. I love that I have this testimony to share. I don't like the 4 miscarriages but I believe my relationship with God is stronger because of it. A year ago I was angry and fearful. I couldn't understand why God would let me get pregnant only to keep losing my babies. When I got pregnant with Princess, I was excited but absolutely terrified! I didn't want to lose her! God was faithful and he blessed us with her and Blue Rock. I grew a lot between my 4th miscarriage and my pregnancy with Princess. My husband and I both had a testimony that dealt with fear. Thankfully we are set free to live through Christ! It was neat seeing everyone's testimony who shared. It's nice to know that we are NOT alone and that there is freedom through Christ.
Easter morning was nice. Blue Rock enjoyed seeing the Easter Bunny's tracks around our house and finding out what he left. He got some chalk, a book, a coloring book, bubbles, a puzzle, and some pretend eggs, including a giant blue egg. Princess got a bunny and chalk for when she's older.

Here are some sweet pictures of our kiddos. Happy Easter from our family to yours!

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