
Sunday, April 13, 2014

Our Princess is 3 Months

Dear Princess,

Today you are 3 months old. You are so precious and we are forever in love with you! Everyday you're exploring new things. You're getting better at holding objects in your hands such as a rattle or rings. You also like holding our hands by grasping a finger. Your head control is getting better and you can sit up if you're propped against something and not too tired. You are such a happy and content baby. You are so pretty and love to laugh and smile when people talk to you. In fact, you love to talk with people in your own sweet language. Sometimes when you're talking and copying our sounds it sounds like you're saying a real word. You are a delight in our lives. This past month, your dad got to hear your first laugh!

You are now wearing 3 to 6 month clothing. On average you sleep 6 to 7 hours before the first feedings at night and sleep about 12 hours at night, unless we need to go somewhere in the morning or Blue Rock wakes you up. When I put you down, unless it's in your swing, you usually wake right up. If I hold you, in the afternoon you'll sleep for 1 to 2 hours! In the morning, you usually just nap for about 20 to 30 minutes at a time. Although this morning at church you fell asleep on the way and you slept about 45 minutes. Your hair is getting longer and is still dark brown. Your eyes are still blue. You love being held and rocked. You enjoy watching me cook or being carried while I do housework. You also like watching your brother and singing along with him. 

We love you and God has blessed us by placing you in our family.


We took these pictures right before you went down for a nap. I'm glad we got a few smiles. :)

You still have your hair and it's getting longer!

You'll be as long as your dog before too long!

Watching Daddy hold up the blanket

Beautiful girl!

This didn't go too well.

My tired baby.

Sweet sleep!

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