
Friday, May 30, 2014

Week 25: My Father's World K - Unit 21: Butterfly

We are finishing up Unit 21: Butterfly - God can make me new, of My Father's World Kindergarten. We got our caterpillars in the mail on May 13th and let them go on May 28th.  Blue Rock thought it was so cool to watch his 5 caterpillars form into chrysalis, and then emerge into butterflies. He did this at his Preschool but it was fun to get to watch them every day. We even saw some of them break out of their chrysalis.

Verse: Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! 2 Corinthians 5:17 NIV

We're starting to make change as part of our curriculum. This week I started giving Blue Rock a penny each day and having him write the amount in his cup. So 1 penny he would write 1 cent (with the cent mark). After he has 5 pennies, I give him a nickle. He prefers to just play with the coins but seems to have picked up the concept pretty quickly.

We watched our butterflies emerge and Blue Rock set them free. We did some other fun butterfly crafts as well.  Blue Rock even did some creative play that he came up with on his own. He took my yoga mat and crawled over to it pretending to be a caterpillar. Then he wrapped himself up into a chrysalis, then he broke out of it and flew away as a butterfly. He loved doing this and probably did it about 25 times or more!

Most of the pictures are from our caterpillar/butterfly experience. We also enjoyed some playdates with some friends. I need to get better at taking pictures of some of our playdates.

Preparing their food - sugar water

I let him do school work next to the butterflies. He loved it!

Life Cycle of a Butterfly He made a leaf with eggs, caterpillar, pupa, and a butterfly.

Playdate with some of my Crunchy Mom friends

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