
Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Week 26: My Father's World K - Unit 22: Frog

We are just finished Unit 22: Frog - I use my tongue wisely, of My Father's World Kindergarten. This was a fun week. I wish I had planned in advance and bought a tadpole set. I think Blue Rock would have really enjoyed watching the tadpole turn into a frog. We've just been super busy with planning his birthday party, my birthday, and Father's Day. I guess we can leave that for Princess when she goes through this.

Verse of the week: Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. Ephesians 4:29 NIV

Blue Rock loves all animals and he especially likes animals that come from eggs. We started the week with drawing a picture of the life cycle of frogs. His drawings were pretty good.  My Father's World Kindergarten is pretty repetitive so Blue Rock did the work sheets and we talked about frogs and what makes them different from other animals and how they are the same. He pretended to have a frog tongue yesterday. We also talked about how there are good words and bad words. He's been wanting to talk about bathroom stuff lately, I've heard this is an age/stage for some. In addition to our verse of the week, we talked about how Ephesians 5:4 says, There must not be any unclean speech or foolish talk or dirty jokes. All of them are out of place. Instead, you should give thanks

He learned to skip count by 2s. We also spent lots of time with friends, outside, jumping on the trampoline, working in our garden, and just having fun. He's gone to Gymnastics Camp 3 times now and is playing tennis again. We've had a pool party with some homeschool friends and of course celebrated his big day. He's done some new puzzles and we've read lots of books. We did a weather science experiment that he and Princess seemed to like. He's painted and we've just had fun. The book for this week is Frog and Toad Are Friends by Arnold Lobel. He loves this book. Here are some pictures from the past few weeks. Most of them are just from different things we've done.
Kickball at a park with some church friends

Climbing his new dome

Lunch with his great-grandmother

Father's Day craft day with friends

Bouncing and balancing the tennis ball at home

Doing a maze

Thomas the Train Puzzle

Gymnastics Camp

Weather Science Experiment



Skip counting. He wanted to show his sister

His life cycle of a frog picture

He picked our first tomato of the season
Since he's picked a bag full

Hanging out with me. Love these two!

New space puzzle

Listening to the Curious George CD and going through the book

Making his own sandwich with tomatoes from our garden

Playing a balloon passing game

His frog tongue

Sticking his long tongue out at Gracie. She thought it was funny!

Gymnastics camp today

He loves gymnastics

Getting drug around on the big parachute

Homeschool swim party

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