
Friday, July 18, 2014

Princess's First Bite of Solids

Tonight we gave Princess her first bite of solid food. She's a little over 6 months old now. She tried organic brown rice with water. She loves water and wants to drink it every night during her bath. Since I don't pump, this was a good choice for us. She spit out about half of the bites we gave her and ate the other half. She seemed to like it. While feeding her, Blue Rock asked if he could try it. What he meant was he wanted to try the food himself, I thought he wanted to feed Princess. This was also my husband's first time to feed her. He gave her a lick of honeydew and I gave her a lick of an organic strawberry popsicle I made but she didn't actually eat any of it. Here's to new foods and new stages in our sweet baby's life. I can't believe she's starting solids! She's been exclusively breastfed until now. She's never even had a bottle. We'll move straight to a sippy cup with time. I love this girl!

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