
Saturday, August 9, 2014

Week 30: My Father's World K - Unit 26: Yellow

Both kids wore yellow one day for our weekly color.
I cannot believe we have finished our last week of pre-K, well, technically kindergarten. We finished unit 26: Yellow of My Father's World Kindergarten. Blue Rock has done great this past year and I'm looking forward to teaching him at home again this coming year for our official year of kindergarten.

Memory Verse: Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good. His love endures forever. Psalm 136:1 NIV

We have had a lot of fun this week looking at colors and doing some color experiments we've done in the past. I've added descriptions to the pictures. We've all been hit with a summer cold so we've slowly been getting over that. Blue Rock  also had his weekly gymnastics camp that meets for 3 hours. We went to the park and fed the ducks, did some fun work, and ended our week with a family date night. We had a great week and a wonderful year going through My Father's World Kindergarten.

Letter coloring page

Letter writing practice

Picture Box Activity

He made an awesome guitar
I love this little red car he drew.

Measuring colors for a rainbow

He lined them up from smallest to largest

We stapled the ends together and made a rainbow

Princess loved the rainbow!

He read the word and traced the word in the right color.

Coloring pictures of vegetables.

This week we were to mix colors in water. He wanted to use shaving cream again.

This time Princess got to mix her own bag! One happy girl!

Color mixing is always fun!

We went to the park with my dad.

This was her first time to see ducks.

Fun playground.

Blue Rock walked my sister's dog.

He also took two dogs for a walk!

Feeding the ducks

Eating the bread we brought for the ducks.

He sorted crayons and made a graph.

Picture/word matching.

Building a marble run with no base!

Cutting out his weekly book.

We ate lunch with Collin one day and there was a balloon machine.

Pictures for the week. Yo-yo, yarn, ball, and egg yoke.

Blend ladder.

Flower 3D craft.

Looks pretty neat!

A bird picture he drew of himself being a bird and a bird came and flew away with him, see the legs.

Family date night to Braum's!

It's been a great year of Pre-K!

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