
Friday, November 20, 2015

Blue Knight is 3 months old!

Dear Blue Knight,

You are now 3 months old. What a sweet 3 month old baby you are! You are staying up for longer periods of time, are grabbing things, focusing in on different people and objects, and are talking more and more. I love your coos and baby squeals. When you see me, Dad, Blue Rock, or Princess, you smile really big. Catching your sweet smile on camera, however,  can be rather difficult. 

You like music and overall are a very calm and laid back child. I can lay you down awake and you peacefully will fall asleep. It's amazing! Your napping and bedtime schedule ebbs and flows based on what else is going on but here's the rough schedule. You tend to sleep from 7/7:30pm to 8:30am waking up to eat 2-3 times. You usually take a morning nap for about 30 minutes to an hour and an afternoon nap for 2 hours and sometimes an early evening nap for 20-30 minutes. You are nursing great but are starting to spit up more. You also have started drooling which means you are hitting the early part of teething. You are starting to sit up and enjoy standing on our lap while we hold you up. You also enjoy your play gym and swing for short amounts of time. Mostly when we're eating or I need to make a meal.

You wear a size 3 diaper and 6 months clothes. You still don't like the car but are tolerating it a little better. You love to be hugged and kissed and snuggled with. You also seem to like getting a bath.

Your first family trip was a one night camping trip to Fort Griffin. You did great! You slept next to me on a queen air mattress all night long.  

This week you went to a Mommy and Me event. Princess and I made a pilgrim hat and turkey. You slept through most of it but woke up toward the end. 

We love you, Blue Knight! You are such a sweet and handsome boy and I love your blue eyes!



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