
Saturday, December 5, 2015

Easy Hand Sewn Baby Shoes

Recently, I have come to the conclusion that I really like sewing. It seems like this time of year brings out the crafty person in me. I don't get to sew that often but when I have a little time, I try and make something. I'm so glad we live in the day of Pinterest and the Internet. I get so many ideas online. I'm teaching myself to sew and it takes time. The things I make are not perfect, by any means, but I'm learning.

My most recent project is these cute baby shoes for Blue Knight. I made them out of a sheet of felt. I can now officially say I have made some shoes. 

In typical fashion, I didn't measure anything. I just estimated about 3 inches in length for the sole of the shoe. Then I cut some top parts and cut to size after I pinned them. I pined these shoes together and I prefer to not use pins. However, for this project it was necessary. I also hand sewed them but since they are small it didn't take very long. I'm thinking about adding a little elastic to help keep them on his feet better. Hopefully they will keep his toes warm this winter. I think they turned out so cute!

I made the tan shoes while Jackson was napping. I started on the red ones but haven't finished. I hope to finish them tonight. I'm going to add some green to the top. 

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