
Saturday, January 16, 2016

Princess is 2!

Dear Princess,

It seems like yesterday you were born and now you are two years old! Time SLOW DOWN! You bring so much joy to our lives and we thank God daily for you and your brothers.

Your Favorites!

Books: Any but you especially like Curious George books,

Songs: You love to sing! Some of your favorite songs you like to sing are: "Amazing Grace," "Someday," "I want Jesus to Walk with Me," and "Jesus Loves Me." You have good rhythm and pick up songs easily.

Toys: You love your baby doll, Curious George doll, and all things related to playing with dolls. You got a kitchen set for your birthday and have enjoyed cooking in it and have made me a few things as well.

TV Show: We just started letting you watch a show on occasion about a month ago while I needed to care for Jackson. Your favorites are Curious George and Hermie and Friends. 

Foods: There are several and you are a great eater! If I ask you, you'll say "hot dogs" which you rarely get. You also like bananas, salad, watermelon, potatoes, and carrots. Your favorite cereal is Cheerios. 

Places to go: Church, you love your Bible class and love big church too! You also love going to the store with Mom and eating at Chick-fil-a. 

You love to dance and play with your brothers. You enjoy making both of them laugh. You have been speaking in complete sentences for a few months. You are very smart and pick up on things very easily. You are helpful, for example, I'll ask Blue Rock to pick up something and you'll say, "No! Me!" And proceed to go pick up what ever it was I asked him to do. 

You're the healthiest kid I've ever met! Praise God you have never had a fever or been sick. You've been exposed to a lot of things, Hand, Foot, and Mouth. You got a few spots on your bottom but that was it. 

We made it! When you were born I had hoped to nurse you until at least a year and wanted to make it to two years if you were still interested. Once I got pregnant with Blue Knight I thought I'd dry up and or you would no longer want to nurse. Well, sweet girl, you still wanted to nurse. Now that you are two, I'm starting to wean you and sooner than you'd like, Mama's milk will be replaced solely with big girl milk. I've enjoyed our journey and am so thankful that I've been able to provide you with one of the best foods on the planet. 

Your two year old check-up went great. Your doctor said you looked perfect and you are advanced in every area. Here are your stats.

Height: 26 inches (44%)
Weight: 26 lbs (42%)
Head: 47.5 cm (50%)

Your party is this coming week and I'll post more pictures then. We love you, Princess!!


On birthdays I decorate the door and hang the number of years you are!
"Look Mom, 2s!"

You thought it was neat.

You got a play kitchen as your big gift from Mom and Dad

You love it! I can see you having fun with it for several years.

We went to lunch at Chick-fil-a, your choice!
Your grandparents came too.

It's hard to hold up 2 fingers!

I had to get a few pictures with just you!

This mama loves her girl!

We had a chocolate cake after dinner

You loved your cake

Some gifts from your brothers

You got a Curious George book, a birthday George, and a dog you can walk

Walking your new pet

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