
Thursday, August 20, 2015

We are now a family of 5!

When I started this blog, I thought we may only have one child. God has been so gracious to us! After four miscarriages between Blue Rock and Princess, I have had two more relatively easy pregnancies and healthy children. I am so pleased to introduce you to our 3rd born child, we'll call him Blue Knight. Knight because chess is one of his brother's favorite games and knight is one of my favorite pieces from chess. I'll start with a letter to him and will include some sweet details from my labor and delivery. Only read if you want to know his birth story. Otherwise, here's his stats: 7 lbs, 10 oz, and 20.5 inches long. He was born in the evening after almost 11 hours of labor.   

Dear Blue Knight,

This is your birth story. I want to start off with saying how happy and excited that God placed you in our family. You are welcomed with lots of love from me, Dad, your brother, and sister as well as many others, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins.

You were born on at 7:27 p.m. You weighed 7 lbs, 10 oz, and were 20.5 inches long. You have dark hair and blue eyes. You came 10 hours and 45 minutes after my OB broke my water. Normally I would not schedule an induction but I felt with the planning of your siblings care, that it would be fine to schedule a partial induction. It was the hardest and most exhausting and painful day of my life! But you are more than 100% worth it! After my water was broken, Dad and I did lots of walking, climbing stairs, I sat on different birthing balls, and was able to let you progress without the use of Pitocin, IV, and pain medicine. Your birth has been my hardest yet but I was so happy I was able to pull through and have another drug free labor and delivery. You are so handsome and we are so blessed!!

I ended up with a 2nd degree tear and am trying to take it easy as I recover. It took about 5-6 pushes to get you out! We arrived at the hospital at 7:30am, the doctor broke my water at 8:45am. I was having mild contractions at first so Dad and I walked and walked and climbed stairs. The nurse kept thinking I should get Pitocin to move things along. My wonderful OB recommended that we just wait it out and not have any extra medical intervention since I've had two natural births in the past. I was able to eat crackers, pudding, popcorn and a protein bar that I hid in my bag on the way to the hospital, and drink lots of water and juice. I requested no IV and was able to not have one. But that meant I had to drink lots of fluid on my own.

Since you were born so late in the evening and they said it would take about 2 hours before I could go to my room for the night, I decided to wait to let your brother and sister meet you the next morning. Plus Dad and I were exhausted! When Blue Rock came in the room to meet you for the first time, he raced to my bed and confirmed you were his brother. He asked why you were not crying. When Princess was born, she cried a whole lot at the hospital. He then asked to hold you. When Princess came over, right before Blue Rock, she wanted to hold you right away as well. She kept saying, "baby, baby. Hold hold the baby." For a 19 month old she speaks very well and can even say your name. Both kids got to hold you and kiss you. Opa and Grand C came to the hospital to meet you and so did Aunt M. We had some church friends visit us as well. We are looking forward to our friends coming by and meeting you at our house over the next few weeks.

The first night at the hospital you slept great. We were even able to swaddle you and put you in the bassinet by my bed. You did one 3.5 hour stretch of sleep. Of course a nurse came in around 4am to take 3 viles of blood from me so I didn't get to sleep that much. But you and Daddy both slept through it. We were hoping to leave the hospital soon after your 24 hour check-up. You looked great except you are a little jaundiced so they wanted to keep us another night to check your blood in the morning. We asked if we could just leave and come back in the morning. Thankfully our nurse got a hold of your doctor and she said we could go home. We were released from the hospital at 10:30 pm the next day.  Your first night home you slept well but wanted me to hold you and nurse you almost all night. From about 3:30am to 7am, you had a good stretch of sleep. Which is excellent for a newborn. You are calm and as sweet as can be!

We praise God that you are here, healthy, and part of our family. We love you, Blue Knight!


Children are a gift from the LORD; they are a reward from Him. - Psalm 127:3

Here are some pictures from your birth and the first few days at home.

After my water broke walking the halls in the atrium at the hospital

Dad and I getting excited and thinking about your arrival!

It was great not having an IV and pole to drag around as I labored

You can labor and deliver in a hospital without being attached to things in the U.S.!

Princess looking forward to her baby brother to be out of my belly!

Blue Rock is super excited to meet his little brother
Last picture as a family of 4 and looking forward to meeting you!
You are here!

You're so handsome and perfect!

Born as the sun was going down

I have the BEST partner ever! Your Dad is the best! I couldn't get through natural childbirth without him!

My doctor who delivered you! She is awesome!

It's so nice to have a supportive medical team.
Big sister loves her baby!

Both kids love their baby!

You are blessed with a wonderful older brother and sister.

We are now a family of 5!
First bath

Getting all soapy

Bath is over! Now I'm just smiling

Friends from church
Home in my big brother's arms

Handsome sleepy boy

Getting some sun

First time we're all in the van together on the way to your first doctor's appt.

3 kids in the back, so precious and blessed!

3 days old with your doctor at your first appointment. You weighed 7 lbs, 2 oz. and are very healthy!

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Mom's Night Out and Homemade Swap

Last night I went to my last Mom's Night Out, kid free, for a while. Once my 3rd child is born, he'll be going with me when I meet up with friends, at least for a while. The mom's night out was at my very good friend's house and I was so glad I was able to attend. This mom's night out included moms from one of our homeschool groups. The nice thing about homeschooling is you get the opportunity to connect with other parents who want to take a primary role in raising and educating their children. I knew about half of the ladies there before last night. It was neat being around a group of natural minded mamas. With natural minded mamas, most are versed somewhat in natural products. So we decided to also do a swap of homemade goods. So everyone brought appetizers and/or drinks and something they made to swap, which could be a body produce, laundry product, food, or something else. It was a fun evening. I made these awesome shower discs

10 ladies participated and this is what was swapped last night. Some of us were hoping my baby would decide to make his entrance and since several women have given birth at home, I knew they had experience. Also being my 3rd, I sort of know what to expect. I say sort of because every birth is a little different. But he's still cooking and that's okay too. Honestly, as much as I like the idea of a home birth, I still feel more comfortable giving birth in a hospital. 

Bath Salts

Peppermint and Lime Scrub

Lip Balm

Aromatherapy Inhaler

Three Layer Flower Pattern

Allergy and Sinus Shower Discs - what I made

Homemade Fabric Softener

Muffin Mix

Detox Bath Salts

Mini Cheddar Cheese Loaves

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Baby Item and Toy Swap

So many fun baby items/toys!
I participated in another swap today and will be attending another one tonight! I have to say again, I feel so blessed to have so many crafty and talented friends and acquaintances. Some of these ladies are so so very talented and make the cutest stuff. Some have shops and sell their items. Others of us are just happy they let us participate with them. :)

This morning the swap was a Baby Item/Toy Swap. Each lady made a baby item or baby toy and we traded our goods at the park. We had 13 ladies participate in the swap this morning. One was unable to make it at the last minute as she had a sick kid. So the rest of us traded items and got 12 neat things! It was a fun morning and we each got a lot of cute things.

The Mixes in a Jar/Baked Goods Swap was going on at the same time our Baby Item/Toy Swap was so I got a few mixes in a jar and baked goods since that group had a few extra. So sweet! By the way, we are all part of the same mommy group and a lot of them participated in both. I wasn't sure if I would be able to make this one so I didn't want to hand off two things to trade in case I was having my baby boy!

Here's what I got and made for the swap.

Color Sensory Books
Sensory Bottle
Teething ring, I wanted to make this originally but couldn't find the rings.
Pacifier Pouch
Knitted Baby Bib, so cute!
Taggy Blanket
Nursing Pads
Fabric Nursing Necklace - LOVE THIS and have wanted to make/buy one for a while

Bandana Drool Bib
Sensory Baby Bean Bag
Diaper Rash Ointment
Baby Wash
Here is what I snagged from the Mixes in a Jar/Baked Goods Swap, which I hope to participate in one in the future. It looked really amazing as well.

I was gifted Chocolate-Peanut Butter Blondies Mix, Decaf Cappuccino Mix, and some cookies, yum!