Since I was at my doctor's office today, she said we'd go ahead and monitor the baby and that way I can cancel my appointment for Friday with the specialist. I had a sonogram and they monitored the baby's heartbeat, movement, and contractions. My OB told me I need to see her next week at 36 weeks so I'll have to tell his office I'll see him sometime but we'll have to wait because she really needs to be the one monitoring everything from this point forward. Thankfully baby is still doing great. I haven't gained weight in a few weeks but the baby has! It seems like with Blue Rock I really didn't gain any weight the last few weeks with him either. She literally could be here at anytime. I just want to make it past Christmas and new years. I think we will. Although I cannot wait to see her!
By the way, I have to brag on some of my friends. Last week was super hard, I felt absolutely horrible most of the week. 3 different friends brought me meals, one friend sold me some oils and a diffuser which I've been wanting which helped me breath better, another friend delivered some Christmas cookies I bought but was too sick to pick up, and another one came and cleaned my house! I could not believe she cleaned for me. That is probably one of the nicest things anyone has ever done for me. I really missed my grandmother last week. I used to like going to her house when I was sick because she knew how to help me get better faster. I miss having my mom around too. I know she would have come over and helped me. I hope I'm as good of mom as she was. Then God put these sweet friends in my life to help me out.
How far along? 35.5 weeks
Baby’s size? She weighs about 6 lbs, 11 oz. - another big baby!
Total weight gain: 40 lbs gained!
Maternity clothes? Yes and I'm getting tired of them and am outgrowing them...sigh.
Stretch marks? Maybe a few new ones.
Sleep: Okay. I have to get up to go to the bathroom quite frequently. I'm very tired so it's been pretty easy to fall asleep.
Best moment this week: Friends coming over to help me by bringing food, oils, and cleaning my house when I was sick.
Miss Anything? My pre-pregnancy weight. Love this baby but am getting uncomfortable and want my body back.
Baby’s size? She weighs about 6 lbs, 11 oz. - another big baby!
Total weight gain: 40 lbs gained!
Maternity clothes? Yes and I'm getting tired of them and am outgrowing them...sigh.
Stretch marks? Maybe a few new ones.
Sleep: Okay. I have to get up to go to the bathroom quite frequently. I'm very tired so it's been pretty easy to fall asleep.
Best moment this week: Friends coming over to help me by bringing food, oils, and cleaning my house when I was sick.
Miss Anything? My pre-pregnancy weight. Love this baby but am getting uncomfortable and want my body back.
Movement: Yes, all the time! She is
very active!
Food cravings: Nothing particular at the
moment. When I was sick I stopped drinking coffee so I cured that bad habit before the baby arrives.
Anything making you queasy or sick:
Spicy foods at night cause heartburn which hurts!Gender: Girl!!
Labor Signs: Braxton Hicks Contractions. They monitor me weekly for the contractions and it was neat seeing them on the chart.
Symptoms: Growing belly and lots of movement and kicking. Having to go to the restroom frequently.
Belly Button in or out? Flat unless I cough, then it sticks out. Kind of funny.
Wedding rings on or off? Off!
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy and blessed!
Looking forward to: Meeting my baby.
Please pray for: A healthy baby and pregnancy.
Here's the sign I made to cover over the baby's changing table. She's considered a rainbow baby because she's born after a loss, actually 4 losses. A good friend of mine who is a talented artist is painting another verse for me on something. I can't wait to see what she comes up with! I'm going to make a rainbow mobile with Blue Rock to hang over her changing table. We've just been too sick and tired to do anything else at the moment.
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