We have so much to be thankful for. Thanksgiving is just a great time to reflect on the blessings God has given us and spend time with family. Leading up to Thanksgiving Day, Blue Rock and I have been talking off and on about what we are thankful for. We've also done a few Thanksgiving projects and read some Thanksgiving books, some books are quite silly like one of his favorites right now is called
10 Fat Turkeys. I think next year we'll do a Thankful Tree and add leaves everyday of something we're thankful for. I just had too much going on this year to do that.
This was the first Thanksgiving in over 10 years that I spent in my home town. Which means the first year I've ever been able to shop on Black Friday, if we wanted to. In the past, we'd either go to my husband's parents' house or we lived in Germany. Since I'm unable to travel far right now, we were unable to go to travel to see his parents for Thanksgiving. This was Blue Rock's first true Thanksgiving meal in the U.S. Last year we drove to see my husband's parents and helped them move so we didn't have regular Thanksgiving food. I was also sick this time last year being pregnant with the sweet baby I lost near last Christmas, so it was not as enjoyable as it usually is because I spent most of the time in bed throwing up. This year turned out better. I'm pregnant with a healthy and thriving baby, was not sick, we were able to stay home all day as people traveled to us and it was nice. We missed being with my husband's family but were able to Skype with his parents and talk to them on the phone.
We hosted my family at our house this year which was really fun. We had 12 people over. I wanted to host Christmas but my parents think I'll be too far along in my pregnancy so we got to host Thanksgiving. Blue Rock really wanted kids to come over, he's always the only kid. Next year he'll have his baby sister and a cousin! My sister-in-law is pregnant with her first and is due on Blue Rock's 5th birthday. We are so excited!
We kept the food this year pretty simple. Blue Rock and I made some sugar cookies and decorated them. He loved mixing the colors for the icing and insisted on having blue icing and did not want to share any of his blue cookies with anyone. We had ham (I don't like turkey and we'll have it at Christmas), mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn, green bean casserole, rolls, and lots and lots of desserts. Here are some random pictures we took leading up to Thanksgiving and Thanksgiving Day. I hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving!!
My sweet baker |
Some of the cookies we made |
Q-tip painting |
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