We just finished our 20th week of My Father's World Kindergarten. These past few weeks we've been going through Unit 16: Penguin. This has been a very fun unit. Blue Rock LOVES eggs. I mean
he truly
loves them! Most animals that sit on eggs are females, except for the Emperor penguin. The Emperor penguin is around Blue Rock's height, Blue Rock is 3 inches taller than an average Emperor male penguin, which is 45 inches. The males sit on the eggs and guard them for two months before they hatch! Blue Rock loved hearing about this. He had fun pretending to be a penguin and walk with eggs on his feet. He tried sitting on them for a little while but got tired of sitting there after a minute or two. We did a lot of fun activities including measuring and weighing ourselves, making icebergs for the bath tub, to ending our week by making a yummy whole wheat dark chocolate chip cookie cake. I drew a penguin with icing on top of it and Blue Rock loved it!
Our verse of the week: Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. - 1 John 4:7 NIV
Theme: I show love to everyone, especially my family.
We've stayed busy these past few weeks. In addition to doing school work and him going to his twice a week preschool, we've had fun with our friends and doing other activities as well. Our church had a neighborhood block party with a climbing wall and some bounce houses. Blue Rock loved playing with his church friends and enjoying climbing the huge wall. He's made some impressive obstacle courses in our living room when it's been too cold to play outside. He's enjoyed playing with his sister. He made a kite on his own and we made a car wash out of a shoebox together. He's helped me cook by chopping different things for me and is getting really good and helping me in the kitchen. He's played with ducks and has held a lamb. He colored eggs and we've played at the park. We even found out that a beaver lives near us!
Working on school work |
Climbing the wall |
My sweet kids! |
Playing with the car wash |
Coloring eggs |
Flying his homemade kite |
Ducks! |
Beaver that lives near us. It's so sad to see so much trash! |
Keeping the eggs on his feet was impossible! |
Pretending to be a daddy penguin |
At the park with a few friends |
Playing his new game Thin Ice |
He drew things that started with "p"
1. Pineapple, 2. Pool with a boy swimming, 3. someone paying,
and 4. Pumpkin |
Playing with sister |
Our penguin cake |
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