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Taken at 15 weeks - 1st belly picture this pregnancy |
I'm now 4 months along in my pregnancy. I am so thankful to God for this baby and pregnancy. Next week we hope to find out what we're having. I haven't been doing as many updates because of wanting to be sensitive to friends who have lost babies like I have and those who are having trouble getting pregnant. Friends, I feel for you and pray that God blesses you with babies if that's His will. However, me not writing about my pregnancy does not mean that I'm not super excited about this pregnancy! I have a friend at church who blogs weekly about her pregnancy. I wrote in a journal quite a bit when I was pregnant with Blue Rock and honestly haven't done really anything for this pregnancy. I think it has to do with all the losses I've had. But things are going well and I can never take life for granted, but I can live each day to the fullest and be thankful for today. So today I decided I would take my friend's questions and answer them. I love reading about her pregnancy.
How far along? 16 weeks (4 months)
Baby’s size? An avocado - 4 1/2 inches long (head to rump)
Total weight gain/loss: About 10 lbs, I definitely look pregnant.
Maternity clothes? Yes, and love them! I was trying to just buy bigger clothes but they just weren't fitting right. Then I finally tried on some maternity clothes and love them. With Blue Rock I could wear the same jeans for the first 5 months. It seemed like my clothes stopped fitting right around 6 weeks with this baby.
Stretch marks? Only from my first pregnancy.
Sleep: I'm sleeping pretty good. I'm usually so exhausted by the end of the day that thankfully I fall asleep pretty quickly. I need to buy a pregnancy pillow. I'm a stomach sleeper naturally but have learned to sleep on my side with pillows.
Best moment this week: I have a few. Listening to Blue Rock pray for his baby brother or sister. He is looking forward to becoming a big brother. Also feeling the baby move! I started feeling the baby move about a week or so ago. It seemed very early. I don't feel it often but occasionally I can feel the baby and see my stomach move. My husband has even felt the baby. Love it!
Miss Anything? Sleeping on my stomach and having more energy. I have more than I did during my first trimester but this heat is really draining.
Movement: Yes! Around 14.5 weeks I started feeling the baby move.
Food cravings: Hot sauce! Chips and lots and lots of hot sauce.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Long car rides and if I get too hot. I'm trying to stay indoors for the most part.
Gender: Don't know yet. We'll know hopefully next week!!
Labor Signs: Nope.
Symptoms: Growing belly, tiredness, and getting sick if I get too hot or am in the car too long.
Belly Button in or out? Still in but is starting to get more flat.
Wedding rings on or off? On but it's tight. If I'm going to be outside a lot I'll wear my cheapy travel ring.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy and blessed!
Looking forward to: Finding out if we're going to have a boy or girl. Then we can start deciding on a name.
Please pray for: A healthy baby and good pregnancy.
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