Blue Rock's first week of Pre-K went really well. I'm so glad we are homeschooling
this year. Not that everyday is super easy as my child does tend to test my
patients, quite a bit! However, I wouldn't trade the extra time with him for
anything. He's such a sweet kid and I love watching him learn something new and
am enjoying hearing him tell his dad what he's done and learned during his
school time.
Our focus for My Father's World Kindergarten
this week and next is Creation. Here are the activities we did. I didn't take
pictures of everything we did with Sonlight but I included a few pictures of
some of activities we did as well as a few extra things I came up
Our verse of the week was: Proverbs 4:20: Pay attention, my child, to what I say. Listen carefully. (NLT adapted). Attentiveness: I listen with my eyes, ears, and heart.
This weeks songs: Jesus Loves Me and This is My Father's World.
Skills we worked on: Drawing, writing, cutting, pasting, coloring, math - we started our 100 days of school, listening, memorization, and character development.
Week 1 of My Father's World Kindergarten:
Day 1 - God separated
day from night |
We also started our Creation
Timeline |
Day 2 - God created the
skies and seas |
Day 2
Timeline |
Day 3 - God made dry
land, plants, seeds, and trees
He pasted the apples on the trees and
wanted to have one falling and on the ground |
Day 3
Timeline |
We did a little activity for Day
3. God made two kinds of water, salt water and fresh
water. |
Day 4 - God created the
sun, moon, and stars |
Day 4
Timeline |
This was an activity from
Developing the Early Learner.
I placed 4 items in front of him. He studied
them, turned around, and I took one away.
He then turned back around and told
me what was missing. Then he colored the picture in his book.
He loved this
and wanted to take items away for me to guess as well. |
Listening skills: I gave him
instructions on what to do with each picture.
He colored and drew objects
accordingly. He did a great job! |
Day 5 - God made
creatures of the sky and sea.
I cut the creatures and he
glued them. Notice the whale is going to do a
flip. |
He cut out the 5 perfectly! I was impressed. |
Day 5 Timeline. All of the numbers are still colored blue.
Days 1-5 Creation Illustrations and Timeline |
This week's books |
How I'm storing each week's books and activities |
Once we are done, I'm going to add his creation
illustrations to his notebook that I'm keeping as record for what he's doing
this year. I let him cut out all the numbers and glue them to the timeline and
for the most part he's cut and pasted the other pictures. He also colored the
numbers, all blue, his favorite color. When I'd suggest for him to use another
color he said, "no, just blue, because blue is my favorite color."
In addition to the fun activities above, we
read from the Bible everyday about creation. We also read a few other books
about creation, and we started reading Big Thoughts for Little People,
which basically connects the alphabet to Bible themes and verses. Since he's
known the alphabet for a long time, rather than just go over flash cards, we
read a page or two in this book and then talk about the questions that relate to
what we read and the cute picture. This was an extra thing I bought with this
For Sonlight P4/5, we have started reading some
wonderful stories. I still haven't received a few of the books for week 1, so
we'll just read those stories once we get the books. The books we read from
this week were: 101 Stories from the Bible, The Lion Storyteller
Bedtime Book, Uncle Wiggily's Story Book, The Children's Book
of Virtue, Eric Carle's Animals Animals, The Berenstain Bears'
Big Book of Science and Nature, and Stories from Around the
World. We are waiting for A Treasury of Mother Goose Rhymes
and Things People Do. We also started doing work in
Developing the Early Learner 1, which he loves and so do I! I only
ordered the first one to begin with since they cost more than most workbooks. I
have to say, there is a difference. I love how you can really find out how your
child learns and their learning style. This book tests your child's motor
skills, visual skills, auditory skills, and comprehension skills. So far he's
doing great at everything. The work will get harder as we go through it and I'm
looking forward to seeing where his strengths are.
We also got together
with several different friends this week and got to eat lunch with my husband a few
times. Monday Blue Rock spent time with his granddad, who took him to a playground
while I went to a meeting at church. Tuesday we went swimming with some sweet friends, who are in one of our homeschooling groups. Wednesday we ate with his
granddad and great-grandmother at Chick-Fil-A and were surprised to see a few of his
friends there. Thursday I had a catch up day at home and we
ran a few errands our playdate was cancelled. Friday we went to a
PJ potluck with my Mom's Club. I love how homeschooling allows flexibility
to get together with friends throughout the week. I think in the future, more
and more people are going to be homeschooling. It's just such a wonderful way
to educate your child. I know it's not for everyone and I can see the appeal of sending your child to a traditional school. It's funny, before I had kids, I never thought I would
homeschool. Of course this is only week 1, we'll have to see how the rest of
the year goes.
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