We are so excited and blessed! This being my 6th pregnancy, our odds for a boy or girl were both up in the air. All three of us thought we were having a girl. My parents and sister and her husband thought we were having a girl. My mother-in-law thought boy but was hoping for a girl, while my father-in-law was confident that we'd have a girl. Many friends have said either way. This pregnancy has been so different from my pregnancy with Blue Rock. I've experienced throwing up while pregnant and have wanted to sleep on my right side or back. I'm naturally a tummy sleeper but was fine sleeping on my left side (which is what is recommended) while pregnant with Blue Rock. I've had headaches and migraines, which I didn't with Blue Rock. For a healthy baby, I'll take what ever headaches, migraines, and vomitting that comes my way!
When the sonogram tech told us we were having a girl, I cried. I was so happy! I asked her if she was sure. She said, "if I wasn't sure, I would not write girl. I've been doing this for 25 years." God has answered mine and Blue Rock's prayer. My doctor told me that if I would have told her what my son has prayed for, she would have told me he would be right. She said, in her experience, God tends to grant the sibling choice to children. So sweet! What a mighty God we serve! I know this child, like Blue Rock, is a gift from God.
For the first time ever, my husband has told me what he thought and hoped we were having. He has always said he would be happy and thankful for whatever God gave us. However, he was really hoping for a girl. Blue Rock has been telling me for the past few weeks that he's going to have a baby sister. He is so thrilled! I, of course, feel like my husband. Healthy baby is number one, but I have told a few people that I feel so blessed to have a healthy baby growing in my womb and that if we have a girl I will really feel that God loves me and is blessing me. Not to say that if he gave us another boy we would feel any less blessed or loved, I just have always wanted to have a daughter also and I have had so many heartbreaks during pregnancy that this is truly a blessing. Also, I've really felt like I'm pregnant with a girl. Motherly instinct. :)
We considered taking Blue Rock to see the ultrasound but he really didn't want to go. I don't blame him, he's only seen bad ultrasounds, poor guy. However, we were pretty confident that we'd have a great ultrasound and wanted him to share in our excitement as we found out. Since he really didn't want to go, I decided to take him to my parents and that it would be easier anyway not having him with me. We still wanted to do something special. So we decided to do a gender reveal with balloons. He was probably just as excited to get two huge balloons as to find out what his sibling is. We decided to take him to a park for the reveal. My dad and step-mother both came to hear the news, as we wanted Blue Rock to be the first to find out and didn't mind anyone who was around us hearing when we told him. Here's how we shared the news. The first part, we video taped as we told him. He was so excited and on the video started jumping up and down.
I took a girl and boy balloon to him |
We asked him again what he thought the baby was going to be |
He said he was going to have a baby sister |
We told him he was right |
He was beaming with joy! |
We told him to let go of the blue balloon |
He didn't want to so we pretended to let it go
He wants a boy balloon for him and the girl balloon for his sister |
Family shot |
Blue Rock and his granddad |
Almost 17 weeks |
If you look close, you can see where the sono tech wrote girl |
We're having a girl!!
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