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34.5 Week! |
After writing the title of this blog, I was pondering on whether or not I should change the title to Baby #7, since he's really my 7th pregnancy. But for people who don't know me, he'll be known as our 3rd child so I'm going to leave it. I wish miscarriages didn't happen. I wish I had my other four babies here as well. With that being said, I am so thankful for this baby and am really looking forward to meeting him! Children are such precious gifts from God. Here's the update on our babe!

Some really good news, he's turned! I pray that he stays that way! I've gone to the chiropractor two times and I've felt him horizontal but wasn't sure if he made the transition downward. My fluid levels look great, his umbilical cord looks wonderful, and he is as handsome as can be! We are getting excited and ready to meet him. Since my due date has changed to August 21st, my doctor said that if he's not born by then, she would induce me if I wanted. She said at 38 weeks she could strip my membranes if I wanted. She did that with Princess and she was born in the 38th week. Considering his size, I would have no problem with that. Although we still have quite a bit to do before his arrival. My husband and I did make some great progress in his room this past weekend. I also got his bedding in the mail today and picked up a few decorations at Hobby Lobby. Our guest room/junk room has had a complete transformation. The really cool part about it is that we're slowly not going to have any "junk" room since we're using all of our house. I don't want junk in the playroom, I don't want junk in the dining room or office. Definitely no junk in the living room or kitchen. Although we somehow always seem to accumulate random things. I think overall we are both getting better and letting go of things. Once everything is completed, I'll share pictures of the nursery.
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Big sister and I by our garden |
Baby’s size? 6 lbs, 7 oz, measuring 37 weeks, 5 days
Total weight gain/loss: I have gained 28 lbs! Seems pretty average, a pound per week.
Maternity clothes? Yes! And sadly all of my maternity shorts are starting to feel to snug. =/
Stretch marks? No new ones for this pregnancy that I can see.
Sleep: Not great. I'm getting to the very uncomfortable stage but am so tired I usually fall asleep pretty fast. Although I have to get up to go to the restroom at least once or Grace comes in our room in the middle of the night and wakes us up.
Best moment this week: Seeing my baby's sweet face in the sonogram!
Miss Anything? Sleep and my pre-pregnancy body.
Movement: He moves constantly.
Food cravings: Nothing particularly, just hungry and I honestly get kind of tired of eating now.
Gender: Boy!!
Labor Signs: I've started having some contractions.
Symptoms: Fatigue, big belly, baby movements, and early contractions.
Belly Button in or out? In but will poke out if I cough or laugh.
Wedding rings on or off? On!
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy and blessed!
Looking forward to: Meeting my son.
Please pray for: A healthy baby and pregnancy.