It's been a while since I've posted about homeschooling. We took almost a month and a half off for Christmas and baby girl's birth. We've slowly been getting back into the swing of things. It's much more difficult with having a newborn to care for. One interesting thing I've noticed has been that even when we took time off of doing "official" school work, Blue Rock still did school work. He practiced writing, drawing, reading, counting, did art work, etc. In fact, his handwriting has drastically improved. He's been taking the initiative and writing words, asking how to spell certain things and making signs. His reading skills are continuing to improve. It's made me think that people who "unschool" are probably doing just fine. Kids seem to naturally want to learn and if we let them, they will learn so much.
Okay, enough about that. We've been working on Week 17 of My Father's World Kindergarten for a few weeks. The study was Unit 13: Cow. God's Word helps me grow. The verse was, 1 Peter 2:2-3 NIV, Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation, now that you have tasted that the Lord is good. We have finally finished this unit. One thing I've done differently that has made this unit drag on, is on some days we do our own thing. For example, two days we did a study on balloons, since Blue Rock loves balloons. We found out that balloons were invented in 1824, and some other neat facts about them. He colored pictures, did some math, shapes, and of course every day we read. I've also printed off some handwriting sheets so he could practice writing certain letters because all of the sudden he has become really interested in writing letters and words. Handwriting was one thing he "fought" me on at the beginning of last Fall. Now he has no problem writing or drawing and coloring. Gentle guidance and encouragement goes a long way! I also leave out some paper and markers for him to create his own art work. He's loved it!
Since we were studying cows, we had a milk party. We made butter, buttermilk, and peach ice cream. We enjoyed those things with cheese and yogurt and discussed all the things milk makes.
Here are some pictures from these past few weeks. Enjoy!
Getting ready to make butter |
We shook it for a while and ended up putting it in our Vitamix |
Homemade butter is the best! Thank you Vitamix! |
Peach ice cream, also made in the Vitamix |
We enjoyed our Milk Party! |
Counting Goldfish |
Working on the States and matching the right quarter to the correct State |
Brother/sister time! |
Sweet siblings! |
Morning cuteness! |
We're playing a rhyming game |
He drew a cake, cave, the planet Mars, and a hat |
He's doing perfect with reading simple sentences. |
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