We just finished Unit 25: Quail, of My Father's World Kindergarten. We have one more unit left and we will have completely this year's curriculum! This was a busy week as Blue Rock had gymnastics camp twice! Our verse and main theme was very practical this week. Lately Blue Rock has complained about certain things, especially if he doesn't get his way. We've been working on having a good attitude and being thankful for the things we do have.
Memory Verse: Do everything without complaining or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe as you hold out the word of life. - Philippians 2:14-16a NIV
Main idea: I don't grumble or complain; I am thankful.
We started the week off talking about when the Israelites traveled through the desert and complained to God because they were hungry. God sent them manna, food from heaven. But the people grumbled and complained.
They said, "We wish we had meat to eat. We remember the fish we ate in Egypt. It didn't cost us anything. We also remember the cucumbers, melons, leeks, onions and garlic. But now we've lost all interest in eating. We never see anything but this manna!" Numbers 11:4b-6
God's people complained because they didn't have the kind of food they wanted. This reminded me of the many times Blue Rock doesn't want to eat what we're having for dinner but would rather have something that he wants. In this story, God was very angry and sent them many quail to eat. This made the people sick and many of them died. God does not like complaining. We are very blessed and we need to learn to be grateful and content with whatever God gives us and not complain about it.
Later in the week we talked about Paul and Silas in prison and how they thanked God for what they had and sang praises to Him while in jail. You can read about their story in Acts 16:25-27
We pretended to be birds and even made a
bird feeder. We practiced thankfulness. I asked Blue Rock if he wanted a treat. So he sat at the table and I brought him a package of crackers from take-out from a long time ago. He asked what was that? I asked him if he wanted it. He said, "no thank you." Then I gave him his real treat since he had good manners and was polite.
I also made some stick puppets for one of our stories this week. I read Goldilocks and The Three Bears to Blue Rock and Princess and used my stick puppets to act it out. They both liked it. Blue Rock played with them for a while and wanted to make some of us own later.
We had a good week this week.
Dinner one night, quail! Just kidding, it's chicken. |
Handwriting practice |
Sound discrimination |
Math, subtraction |
Explode the Code |
Making a popcorn bird feeder |
Hanging the bird feeder |
Playing our new alphabet bingo |
Reading and writing words |
This week he drew: a cherry, a quilt, a marker, and an apple. |
The Three Bears Stick Figures |
I tried to get an action shot in the middle of the story and turned Goldilocks around |
Bird nose |
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