This week we did Unit 7: Us of My Father's World Kindergarten. Blue Rock had fun and we did a lot of hands-on things dealing with our 5 senses. It was a busy week, as we had Halloween Parties, some play dates, and general life activities. This Mama even went to a Mom's Night Out where we had a scarf exchange, which was fun.
Verse: Psalm 139:14 (NIV): I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.
Theme: Us as in God made
Song: "Oh, Be Careful Little Eyes"
Monday: Today we talked about the letter "U" and he colored and cut out pictures that started with U. He did some touch activities. Our sense for today was touch. I put some objects in a bag and had him reach in and guess what they were. We talked about how God made us and He gave us 5 senses. We walked around the house and felt the different textures of different objects. He got to look at one of the sensory boxes I made for our Homeschool Group's Halloween party later this week. We talked about how different objects were different or the same. We also made Creme Brulee which was delicious!
Reaching in the bag to find something |
Hey a snake! |
Objects he found in the bag |
Playing with the Fall Sensory Bin |
Going around the house finding other objects to touch |
Tuesday: Today was fun. First we had handwriting which is not a favorite but Blue Rock's doing better every week. He really wanted to skip writing U's and just write 7's. I told him that wasn't an option but that we'd do a fun activity once he was done. After handwriting I blind-folded him and had him guess different sounds I made. He had to use his ears to figure out tapping, zippers, beans falling, rumbling of leaves, a keyboard, etc. He loved it and wanted to blind-fold me afterward! We played this game for a while. Later we made some delicious pumpkin muffins. While we were making them he told me how he loves to cook with me and Daddy. What a sweet heart! We played a long time outside and he came up with a game where I'd close my eyes and he'd draw a picture on his chalk board. Then we'd switch places. I went to a girl's night out with some friends from church and we had a scarf exchange. Meanwhile, my husband took Blue Rock to basketball evaluations. He's going to play basketball in January. Hubby didn't get any pictures but said he did a great job dribbling. One of his friends is going to be on his team. They are both really excited!
Handwriting |
Blind-folded to see what he hears |
I got to play this fun game! He wanted to take my picture too! |
Making some pumpkin muffins |
These were so good! |
Playing the chalk game where he changed his name to Paint |
Wednesday: This morning one of Blue Rock's friends came over to play while her mom went to an appointment. We eat lunch with her and her mom on Fridays. They had a blast playing together. They spent a lot of time outside and inside. They even did some school work together. His friend wanted to color so I asked Blue Rock if he wanted to do his school work. His friend wanted to do some too so that was fun teaching two kids. They also both love rolly pollies and found a lot of them outside. Then they fought over them as they both wanted to have the most. After she left we finished school. Blue Rock made a person magnet for "us" and we talked about the sense of smell. I brought him various candles to smell and spices. He closed his eyes and had to guess the smell. His favorite smell was the vanilla candle. His least favorite was the garlic salt.
Having fun! |
They did a maze |
He practiced his States identification |
They did a worksheet of coloring 4 pictures differently with just two colors |
Finishing up his work |
Using his nose to smell different scents |
Using his nose to smell different scents |
Us (person) Magnet |
Thursday: Today was Halloween so we did an extra craft this morning and several things with two homeschool groups. We got most of our school work done this morning before heading to church for our co-op group. One new thing Blue Rock did today was read some words on a page. I told him a word and gave instructions, such as draw a blue X over the word "sun." He got all of the words right. It's neat to test his abilities in different ways. I was feeling pretty icky, I'm starting to have Braxton Hicks contractions and they can be pretty painful. After our co-op we stopped by my parents to show my dad Blue Rock's costume. We ate lunch with him and then ran home, made some mummy dogs for another Homeschool Halloween Party and headed out. We had a wonderful day!
Blend Ladder |
Reading new words |
He made a pumpkin craft |
Trying on his costume |
Practicing for later that night |
Fire Chief |
Mummy Dogs |
Pumpkin craft at party |
One of many games |
Pumpkin Bean Bag Toss Game |
What he wants for Christmas |
Friday: Today we finished up where we left off from yesterday. To continue our 5 senses activities this week we started with sight. I blind-folded Blue Rock and had him draw a picture of a person. It was very difficult. So I took the blind-fold off and let him draw one and he said it was easier to draw one when he could see what he was doing. Then we moved on to today's activity which was taste. I got a few different foods that were salty, sugary, sour, and bitter. I had him close his eyes and I fed him a bite of what ever food it was. He guessed what it was and told me if it was salty, sugary, sour, or bitter. He loved the game. He also drew four different pictures and practiced writing the letter that the picture started with. We talked about the basic food groups and why it was important that we eat a healthy balanced diet, to grow strong and healthy. We ended with a spoonful of honey after we talked about how God's rules and how they are sweeter than honey and it's important to follow what God has set out for us. Psalm 19:7a, 8a, 10b-11: The law of the LORD is perfect. It gives us new strength...The rules of the LORD are right. They give joy to our hearts...They are sweeter than honey that is taken from the honeycomb. I am warned by them. When I obey them, I am greatly rewarded. After he ate some honey he said bears love honey too and he does too. Then we did some pages in Developing the Early Learner 2. We met up with some friends for lunch and the kids played for almost 2 hours. Overall we had a wonderful week!
Drawing a picture of a person blind-folded was very difficult |
It was easier to draw a person when you can see what you are doing |
This week's pictures |
He drew a person for "us" who is dancing, an umbrella with spikes,
a balloon, and a turtle. |
Some of the food, I also added blackberries to give him something really sour |
Trying the foods and guessing what they were |
Looking at the food groups |
Yummy honey! |
Working on perception skills |
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