This week our theme from My Father's World Kindergarten was Octopuses. Blue Rock loves octopuses and we had a fun time learning more about them. There are so many neat activities you can do with octopuses. They are neat animals. We have several books about sea animals that feature octopuses in them. We have enjoyed reading stories about them this week.
This week we also worked in our garden, planted some seeds, caught a snake, and cooked together. As always he played a lot outside, with friends, and for the most part is enjoying being a kid and learning about the world around him. Every day we start off with our memory verse of the week. Most days we read additional scripture related to what we're learning about. I don't always write about this.
My mouth will speak in praise of the LORD. Let every creature praise his holy name for ever and ever. Psalm 145:21 NIV
Theme: Even the octopus praises the Lord.
Song: "Praise Him"
Monday: Today was Veterans Day, we are so thankful to all the men and women who have served and are serving in our military. We took the day off from school today. We got Blue Rock's pre-K pictures taken and our family Christmas pictures taken for our Christmas cards. Here are two from our photo session.
My handsome boy! |
Family picture |
Tuesday: Monday was Veteran's Day so we started our school week today. I introduced our verse of the week and some information about octopuses. Then Blue Rock did his letter and color recognition page, cute out the pictures, then did some work in Developing at Early Learner 2. We rushed out the door for ladies' Bible class, met hubby for lunch, went to the grocery store, and then were going to go to a friend's house this afternoon but I wasn't feeling very good, mainly tired. So we rescheduled for later this week. Blue Rock woke me up at 5:30 this morning. Not fun! Overall it was a great day.

Wednesday: Blue Rock started the day off harvesting seeds from our yard long beans and counting them. I love when he finds extra activities to do, especially when it's something that needs to be done. Then he did his handwriting page for "O" and "9." He also did a picture box activity and made a hand octopus. Later in the day we planted some lettuce seeds in our Garden Tower and he made a giraffe picture.
Counting seeds |
Handwriting page |
Picture Box Activity |
Hand Octopus |
Cutting out the octopus |
Planting lettuce seeds |
Giraffe picture |
Thursday: Thursdays are always pretty busy. We do school at home and then meet-up with friends for our co-op group. We started the day off looking at a globe. Together we found and named all of the oceans. I pointed out that all of the oceans are connected. Then he did a World Map picture. He colored part of the ocean and we talked about places we've lived, Germany and Texas. He's very interested in Germany since he was born there and I'm amazed with how much he remembers about our house there and different things. We talked about how the octopus lives in the ocean. Then we made an octopus magnet and talked about Psalm 69:34 which says Let heaven and earth praise Him, the seas and all that move in them. Then we went to our co-op and the kids heard a wonderful story about family and Thanksgiving. Then the kids ran around and played until lunch. We ate with everyone and then did some grocery shopping. I made a beef soup and Blue Rock helped me peel carrots. I also made two lemon chess pies. We had a surprise guest, one of my husband's friends, Ryan, stopped by on his way through town for dinner. It was a busy and fun day.
Cutting the words out for the blend page |
Gluing the words on the page |
He read all the words without any help and matched them to the right picture.
Great job! |
World Map page and activity. |
Octopus math page |
After he did his math page he cut out the bottom of it and measured the length.
He also made a square and rectangle and counted how many rods were needed where. |
Cutting out the octopus magnet |
Homeschool co-op group |
Peeling carrots, helping with dinner |
Our pies! Yum! |
He made a frame and taped our picture on the back of our office chair.
Very creative! |
Friday: Fridays are always fun. Today we started off with the blend ladder. Blue Rock is getting really good at sounding out words and spelling words on his own. He often puts together words that we aren't covering using letters provided. I only use about 5 consonants and two vowels. Most of the time he wants to use another vowel or two and continue making more words. I love watching him and helping him learn to read. It's so rewarding! Then he wrote a few words and then followed some directions. There were three words on each line and I'd give him instructions to find a certain word and either circle it, underline it, or something else regarding that word. He did great. He has a great memory. He did a maze and got to do several pages in Developing the Early Learner 2. Then we met our friends for lunch and a play-date. Then I took him to Toys R Us to pick out a toy for a friend's birthday party on Saturday and to look at Christmas presents. He got to get one present early, the Hungry, Hungry Hippo's Game. He played that game for 4-5 hours on Friday. Then he woke up Saturday morning, early, and wanted to play it. Every day he's been playing it and it has quickly become a favorite. I didn't have that game as a child but wanted it. It's fun playing with him. Most of our games are more educational so it's neat to have one that is just mostly fun. When we left this morning I saw a snake caught in our garage. When my husband got home, he and Blue Rock took care of the snake. For dinner we had octopus hot dogs and broccoli cheese soup. We rarely eat hot dogs but I saw this idea for an octopus hot dog so I thought it would be a great way to end our week. We had another fun week of school and living life!
Blend Ladder |
Writing words |
Reading words |
Doing a maze |
Activities from Developing the Early Learner 2 |
Activities from Developing the Early Learner 2 |
Activities from Developing the Early Learner 2 |
Hungry, Hungry Hippos |
He's really good at this game and when he'd win he'd jump up and say, "I won, I won!" |
The snake in our garage |
Let's get that snake |
They got the snake! |
Our octopus dinner |
He loved it! |
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