We're not going through My Father's World Kindergarten as fast as we were last Fall because two days a week Blue Rock is going to a preschool and does plenty of work there but mostly has fun with the other kids. On the days he's home, he still does plenty of art work and creative things, even if we don't get to our actual school work. At this age you really don't need a curriculum as life should mostly be about play. I also am finding I don't end up taking as many pictures as my hands are literally almost always full. Usually holding a sweet baby. We also have been blessed with having more visitors than usual. We love having friends and family visit and put some of our work aside when company comes over.
We finished Unit 14: Horse, in My Father's World Kindergarten, last week. It was a great unit and we're really enjoying it. I really liked the obedience lessons with it. We've been really working on listening and obeying right away. Even though he's going through a kindergarten curriculum this year, he's still going to be in kindergarten starting this Fall, since he actually won't be 5 until this summer. I've been researching as I find time, on the right curriculum for him. There are so many great options to choose from.
Theme: I obey right away.
Verse: Children, obey your parents in everything, for this pleases the Lord. Colossians 3:20 NIV
We talked about how a well-trained horse obeys right away and how it's important for children to obey right away too. We also had a lesson on stealing. We went to Wal-Mart, not a fan of that store but it was on our way home, and when we were almost to our house, Blue Rock told me he had lip balm from Wal-Mart. We didn't purchase any lip balm so I asked him to hand it to me and told him that he should not have taken it because we didn't pay for it and that is called stealing, which is wrong. He said, "well, we can go back and pay for it." I told him that we were not going to do that but that we would go back and he could give it to the manager and apologize for taking it. I told him people who steal sometimes go to jail which is a scary place with a bunch of bad people and he's not a bad person. Also sometimes they have to pay a lot of money. I thanked him for telling me about what he did so that we could make it right. This store is about 20 minutes from my house. The baby was crying, I needed to feed her. So we weren't able to turn around right then and return it. Rather we waited two days when we were back over there and went then.
The employee was great. I prepped her about what happened before we went in. Blue Rock apologized and said he was sorry and handed the lip balm to her. It breaks my heart that he would take something that didn't belong to him but made me happy to see him make it right. I'd rather him learn this lesson early on than later on.
Here are some pictures of the past few weeks. When the weather is nice, we spend a lot of time outside. We've taken a few field trips. We went to a little farm where he pet a goose. We also went to the museum. He also just finished basketball season and has started soccer season. We stay plenty busy. I've included a few pictures of our baby smiling. I love her smile. Her and Blue Rock both have cute smiles.
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