Monday, June 1, 2015

Big Girl Room!

A few weeks ago we bought Princess some big girl's furniture! Over a month ago we moved her crib out and started letting her sleep in a big girl bed! We moved the nursery furniture to our guest room to prepare that room for the baby and have transitioned her to a big girl toddler-like bed. It's low to the ground and the mattress comes in three parts. When it's all together it's the size of a twin bed. Her furniture is huge compared to her little size but we love her room and she does too!

Some have asked how she's transitioned. Overall good. She only attempted to sleep in her crib at night 3 times. So she wasn't used to sleeping in her room except for naps. She was also used to sleeping in a normal bed, so that has helped. She still wakes up about once a night but is doing better unless she rolls off her bed. Poor thing! She loves climbing into her bed and it's easier for me to put her in her big girl bed than over a crib.

Here are some before and after pictures.




Didn't she do great?! I just realized Collin has the other pictures on his phone. Oh well, I thought these were really cute of her. 

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