I was inspired by this project from something I saw on Pinterest a while back. Since we homeschool year-around but are not as formal in the summer, I like to keep educational things and ideas on hand to do with the kids. If you know me, I really limit television in our house and agree with American Pediatrics that children under 2 should not watch any television. My children get a lot of free play and I love watching them use their imagination. They also, however, enjoy doing fun projects and things with me and their dad. Most of these activities will be easy for Blue Rock to do but we can include Princess in most of them.
I'm going to call this project a Fun Jar which is filled with lots fun
activities to do with the kids over the summer. I created three
categories: (1) Things to Make, (2) Energy Buster, and (3) Quiet Time.
Depending on what is planned for the day or my mood, I'll have Blue Rock or
Princess pick a colored stick. Then we'll do the activity. Some of the
Energy Buster ones I won't be able to do while pregnant like ride a bike
or jump on the trampoline, so their Dad can do that with them. Also due to
my own limited energy, I didn't create as many energy busters as I
normally would. All of the Things to Make and Quiet Time activities are
things we have supplies for and can do at anytime. I want to make sure
we do everything at least once. Obviously we will go swimming more than
one time but I still wanted to include that stick. This morning we did
our first activity which was Make Slime.
All I used for this project was craft sticks, washi tape, permanent marker, and a jar.
This is what is listed on all of the sticks.
Quiet Time:
Play a Board Game

Build a Marble Maze
Make a book
Googly Eye Drawings
Play with blocks
Crayon Etching
Watch a Movie
Read a Book
Play with Legos
Play with Trains
Play a learning app
Things to Make:
Make Slime

Make Chalk Paint
Ivory Soap Clouds
Build with recyclables
Make a Puzzle
Make Play Dough
Make Smoothies
Make Popsicles
Do a science experiment
Bake Cookies
Build with Marshmallow toothpicks
Make Popsicle Stick Puppets
Energy Busters:

Jump on the trampoline
Build an obstacle course
Go Swimming
Ride Bikes
Jump on the Pogo Stick
Go on a walk
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